Saturday, June 2, 2007

Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense publishers

The following is a list of the Internet’s eight biggest Google AdSense publishers. The information was compiled from interviews and articles found on the Internet. Whenever possible, I list the source of the information.

I apologize in advance if I missed anyone on the list. If you make more than the people listed, please send me proof of your Google AdSense earnings and I will add you on the next time the list is updated. This is a list of individual site owners - people just like you and me. Big corporate AdSense publishers like AOL are excluded.

1: Markus Frind: - $300,000 per month

Markus Frind is a local Vancouverite who is turning the online dating world upside down. His site, is the biggest free dating site on the Internet. receives up to 500 million page views per month and make over $10,000 per day for Markus, who runs the site from home.

You think a site this big would be staffed by a hundred people but the only employee that Markus has is his girlfriend, who helps to answer the emails. Markus coded Plenty of Fish all by himself. The site is lean and mean and requires only four servers to handle all that traffic.

Doubts about Makus’s Google earnings were silenced when he posted this $900,000 check from Google. According to Markus’s blog entry, the check represented two months of AdSense earnings.

2: Kevin Rose: - $250,000 per month

Kevin Rose started Digg in December of 2004 with just $1000. Today Digg is one of the biggest news sites on the Net, with over 400,000 members and over 200 million page views per month. According to this article from Business week, Digg will make $3 million this year from a combination of Google AdSense and Federated Media ads. Unfortunately, only Mr. Rose and his accountants knows how much came from Google and how much came from Federated Media. I can try to take a guess based on the number of times I have seen a Federated Media ad vs. a Google ad on Digg but, being in Canada, it’s almost 100% Google ads.

Whatever Google’s share of Digg’s $250,000 per month in ad revenues may be, one thing is for sure, it is not small.

3: Jeremy Schoemaker - $140,000 per month

If ever anyone can be considered an Internet marketing superstar, ShoeMoney would be near the top of the list. Jeremy Schoemaker is a search engine marketer who knows how to take advantage of both Google AdSense and AdWords. In the above photo, you see him with the biggest Google AdSense check he has ever received from Google. The income was earned back in the month of August 2005. Since then Mr. Shoemaker has moved to wire transfers. No doubt, he got tired to dealing with the bank tellers when trying to deposit $100K plus checks every month.

Unlike the other Google whores on this list, ShoeMoney, as he likes to be call, does not own just one site. He makes his enormous Google checks using hundreds of sites and thousands of domains.

4: Jason Calacanis: Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 per month

Before Jason Calacanis sold Weblogs, Inc to AOL for $25 million, he got the network of blogs making over $4,000 a day from Google AdSense. So impressive was his AdSense performance that Google used Weblogs for a case study.

Now that AOL controls Weblogs, you can bet it is making a lot more than a measly $120,000 a month.

5: David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - $100,000 per month

According to this Washington Post article, David Miles Jr. and Kato Leonard, claims they make $100,000 a month from their site,, which gives away designs that people can use on MySpace.

The only problem with the revenue figure is it is not 100% AdSense. Free Web Layouts use other advertising networks in addition to Google. However, with a claimed $100,000 per month in revenues, I am fairly confident that the AdSense portion is higher than our next Google whore.

6: Tim Carter: - $30,000 per month

Tim Carter is a licensed master plumber and carpenter with his own radio show. He also makes frequent television appearances. He founded in 1995, The primary focus has been catering to an avid following of fellow builders on the site. According to the Google case study, Mr. Carter did such a good job tweaking the Google ads on his site that it now makes $30,000 a month.

Tim’s AdSense revenues now average $1400 a day and growing. Overall, Carter is enthusiastic about AdSense: it allows him to focus on content development, and gives him built-in tools to measure ad performance and make changes to maximize revenues. “People come to me for help,” says Carter. “They get what they need from my columns and advice - and also from ads delivered by AdSense.”

7: Joel Comm - $24,000 per month

Joel Comm is get rich quick guru. He wrote the best selling e-book, What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense. The e-book, along with the website that promotes it has a screen shot of Mr. Comm AdSense earning from November 19, 2005 to December 15, 2005. Whether or not Mr. Comm still makes this much from Google is anybody’s guess.

8: Shawn Hogan – $10,000 per month

Back in January of 2005 the New York Times had an article about AdSense, featuring Shawn Hogan, founder of DigitalPoint. The article states that Mr. Hogan makes $10,000 per month from Google AdSense using a very unique revenue sharing model.

Google pays Digital Point about $10,000 a month, depending on how many people view or click on those ads, said Shawn D. Hogan, the owner and chief technology officer of Digital Point.

Mr. Hogan said he started the revenue-sharing approach in 2004 “as kind of a marketing gimmick.”

“But everyone seemed to think it was a cool idea,” he said. “I saw a lot of other sites doing the same thing maybe six months later.”

DigitalPoint have grown a lot since that article and while Mr. Hogun would not say anything, the DigitalPoint forum members speculate that he is making at least twice that amount now.

Malayalam Blogging

Where to Find

  • Google Malayalam-Blog List : Based on Google's Malayalam-Blog search. Most recent 100 entries on the first page. Lists almost all Malayalam Blog posts published to-date. Devised by Cibu (under refinement).
  • Pure Malayalam Blogroll: Recent Malayalam Blog entries based on Google's blog search, developed by Evuraan. Entries are filtered for inappropriate content.
  • Catergorized list of blog entries to-date.
  • Malayalam Blog Aggreagator: Recent entries in the Malayalam Blog World from
  • Malayalam Blog Portal: Wiki based blog portal run by reader input.
  • Chootappam: A blog with recent entries in Malayalam Blogs
  • Feeds: From
  • Poya Varam: Last week's entries categorized by Deign according to subject
  • Pinmozhikal: Collection of comments left at every Malayalam Blog by their readers. Contains a blog roll too.
  • Kerala Blog Roll: A mixed list of Malayalam and English blogs
  • Tapioca: Search for Malayalam keyword. Google search with Mozhi input is another option.

The following description on reading and writing is for Windows Internet-Explorer users. Linux users please visit Peringodan's blog. Firefox users please visit Ralminov's blog, Evuraan's article and Batherian's tip.

How to Read
  1. Download the latest unicode font AnjaliOldLipi and save in Windows Font folder.
  2. Restart the Computer.
  3. In Internet Explorer go to Tools, Internet Options, Fonts, Select Malayalam from the pull down menu and select AnjaliOldLipi as the font.

In fact, any Malayalam unicode font including the default font Kartika, shipped with the Windows should do the trick. However, Kartika being the modern lipi, most people prefer AnjaliOldLipi.

How to Write

  1. Go to Start, Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Languages (tab) and select Install files for complex script and .....
  2. Visit Blogger and start your own blog.
  3. Choose any of the four options mentioned below for text input.

a) Use Mozhi Keymap

Using Mozhi Keymap for Malayalam writing is the easiest way. After downloading and installing, you will see a diamond on the right hand bottom side (taskbar) of the desktop. Click on it and click on the Malayalam letter 'ka'. The diamond will change to 'ka'. From now on anything you type on the computer will be in Malayalam.

Tip: Use Notepad for typing and save text as UTF-8 document. Copy paste the text into blogger window. This is faster and safer than direct input.

b) Use Varamozhi

Another option is to use Varamozhi for writing. Download and follow the instructions. Don't forget to use the Export to Unicode option.

c) Use Varamozhi Online or Ilamozhi

Use Varamozhi Online by Peringodan or Ilamozhi by Deign if you have restrictions in downloading software to your computer.

d) Use Inscript Keyboard

Above three options use the technique of transliteration, that is, malayalam letters being generated from combinations of English letters. This means, one has to learn English letters first to type in Malayalam letters. In inscript keyboard, each Malayalam letter gets a key assigned in the keaboard. Visit Ralminov's blog for details.


  1. Tips on setting your blog. Read Adithyan's suggestions too.
  2. Problems? Read FAQ 1, FAQ 2, Wakari's instructions in Malayalam
  3. Here is a quick reference to help you with the letters. You will also need this help to write Koottaksharams.
  4. Advanced setup such as font embedding can be found in Ralminov's blog.

How to Get Listed

Readers come to know about the existence of your blog and publication of new entries in your blog by visiting the several blog rolls mentioned in the Where to Find section.

  1. If your blog has enough Malayalam content it will automatically get listed in the Thanimalayalam blog aggregator and Google's blog search. However, it might take a few days for Google and therefore Thanimalayalam aggregator to find your blog after you publish it for the first time. You can expedite this process by submitting your blog here.
  2. To get listed in the blog roll send an email to malayalam blog aggregator AT chintha dotcom
  3. To get listed in the Kerala blog roll visit this site
  4. To get listed in the blogroll maintained by Sreejith send an email to sreejithk2000ATgmailDOTcom
  5. To participate in the comment aggregation program Pinmozhikal, set the comment send address in your blog as pimozhikalATgmailDotcom

What Else?

Blog Responsibly: Blogging provides one of the freest medium of expressions. However, the blog service providers and the blog rolls are bound by the rules of the countries they operate in. In addition, blog rolls are hosted by individuals and they might have their own conditions for a blog to be listed . For example, here is a link to the terms and conditions for pinmozhikal and thanimalayalam blog aggregator.

Protect Your Privacy: Identity theft is billions of dollars worth illegal activity. You can reduce the chances of getting victimized by withholding your private data such as name, address and birth date from your blog and comments.


How to Solve the Font Issue

For some of the readers, the chillu letters will appear as letter+chandrakkala, instead of the proper chillu. If this happens,

  1. Make sure that you deleted any old AnjaliOldLipi font from the Windows font folder and installed the latest one.
  2. If step 1 did not solve the problem, it could be because you have an older version of usp10.dll file in the Windows/System32 folder. Download and unzip this file. Eventhough, this is an exe file you can unzip it. You will find a file. Unzip that too to get the usp10.dll file. Remember the location you saved it.
  3. Download and run this program. You will be asked the location of the new usp10.dll file.
  4. After installation cancel the Windows warning and choose to keep the new file.
  5. Restart the computer.

If everything went alright, you should be able to read the proper chillu in the sentence below. Else, you might still have an older version of usp10.dll somewhere in your computer. Do a search for usp10.dll and check the version of the other files (right click, properties, version). It should be 1.47 or later. If not, at this point, just replacing all of them with the new version and restarting might work. Please read the comments below. If nothing works...

Friday, April 20, 2007

Cream of Bollywood at heartthrobs' wedding

In the celeb fixation that has engulfed the media, we are used to the frenzy about "hot" entertainment industry couples and their weddings, but in Mumbai yesterday, edgy police were hoping the metaphor didn't get real.

About 500 of the Indian financial and film centre's finest were on guard for the Bollywood wedding of the century, between the actors Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, armed with fire extinguishers in case any of Rai's distraught fans turned to self-immolation at the thought of her giving herself to another.

The event is fascinating at many levels: the sheer romance of the Bachchan film dynasty's scion marrying India's most-celebrated beauty; the detail of the finery employed (the silk saris, the 50 kilograms of henna); the astrological superstition that still envelops even highly educated people like these in their nuptials.

As a manglik, or someone with Mars in the ascendancy, Rai carried the risk of illness and early death for her husband. This fate was diverted from Bachchan when Rai "married" a banana tree last month. Love triangles are one thing, but few involve sick banana trees.

Most interesting is the guest list for the three days of very private ceremonies at the Mumbai mansion of the patriarch Amitabh Bachchan. It illustrates a powerful intersection of three worlds: business, entertainment and politics.

The central figure was not the Big B, but a tubby, moustachioed MP, Amar Singh, who has deftly drawn leading figures from film and business into his web.

Singh is the secretary-general of the Samajwadi Party, which rules the huge northern state of Uttar Pradesh, population 175 million, where political shifts often swing the nation.

The party is based on the large, upwardly thrusting Hindu lower castes, mostly the Yadavs, among them the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Mulayam Singh Yadav, also a wedding guest.

Amar Singh is actually an upper-caste Rajput, but that is no barrier in caste-based politics. Mulayam's chief adversary in the state elections now under way (in several stages, with 100,000 police and paramilitary troops being rotated for security) is a lady called Mayawati, who comes from the Dalit, or former untouchable, non-castes, and she has recruited 50 Brahmins, members of the highest caste, as candidates.

According to the new book In Spite of the Gods, by Edward Luce, Singh has converted his Lutyens-designed MP's bungalow in New Delhi into a fantasy worthy of a James Bond villain: lashings of white marble, soft-porn statuary, giant plasma TV screens in every room, and a fold-back ceiling that reveals a glass pyramid modelled on the Louvre extension.

Anil Ambani dances his way to Prateeksha for the wedding of Abhishek on April 20, 2007.

Locals use a nearby tree as a vantage point, clambering all over for a glimpse of the Abhishek's baraat
Abhishek Bachchan arrives on horseback along with his baraat at Pratiksha for his wedding

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, seated on horse, waves as his wedding procession takes off from 'Jalsa,' to 'Prateeksha', in Mumbai
Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, father of Abhishek Bachchan, leaves his residence for, his son, Abhishek's wedding ceremony in Mumbai
Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan arrives for the wedding ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan at Jalsa in Mumbai
Sonali Bendre performs a pre-nuptial ritual at the Bachchan residence in Mumbai. Also seen in the picture is Goldie Behl (Sonali's husband) who is Abhishek's childhood friend.

Guests and friends of the Bachchan family including Sikander Kher and Sonali Bendre perform a pre-nuptial ritual at the Bachchan residence in Mumbai

Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai arrives in a decorated car for her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan at the Bachchan house 'Prateeksha' in Mumbai

Wedding of the century ( Mind Blowing )

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, seated on horse, his face covered with ornaments, a Northern Indian Hindu tradition, waves as his wedding procession makes its way from "Jalsa," a residence of the Bachchan's to "Prateeksha," another residence of the family, in Mumbai, India, Friday, April 20, 2007. Police stepped up security as fans danced in the streets to celebrate Friday's wedding of two of Bollywood's hottest stars, former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, son of the Indian cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan, left near horse wearing orange turban with moustache.

Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan, left, and Aishwarya Rai, unseen, are escorted by security personnel as they arrive in a car after getting married early Saturday, April 21, 2007, in Mumbai, India. Rai and Bachchan, both well-known Indian actors, were married in a private ceremony Friday.

An Indian fan carries portraits of Bollywood actors Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan to offer prayers at a temple in Calcutta, India, Thursday, April 19, 2007. Rai, a former Miss World, is to wed well-known Indian actor Abhishek Bachchan on Friday.

Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan, his face covered in traditional Indian-style by a sheath of white flowers, arrives for his wedding ceremony at the family residence in Mumbai, India, Friday, April 20, 2007. Police stepped up security as fans danced in the streets to celebrate Friday's wedding of two of Bollywood's hottest stars, former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, son of the Indian cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan.

Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan, right, and Aishwarya Rai, left, arrive in a car after getting married early Saturday, April 21, 2007, in Mumbai, India. Rai and Bachchan, both well-known Indian actors, were married in a private ceremony Friday.

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, seated on horse, his face covered with ornaments, a Northern Indian Hindu tradition, displays a thumbs-up sign during his wedding procession making its way from "Jalsa," a residence of the Bachchan's to "Prateeksha," another residence of the family, in Mumbai, India, Friday, April 20, 2007. Police stepped up security as fans danced in the streets to celebrate Friday's wedding of two of Bollywood's hottest stars, former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, son of the Indian cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan, bottom right.

Bollywood stars Aishwarya Rai, left, and Abhishek Bachchan, partially visible at right, arrive in a car after celebrating their marriage early Saturday, April 21, 2007, in Mumbai, India. Rai and Bachchan, both well-known Indian actors, were married in a private ceremony Friday.

Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan arrives for his son Abhishek Bachchan's wedding ceremony at his residence in Mumbai, India, Friday, April 20, 2007. Police stepped up security as fans danced in the streets to celebrate Friday's wedding of two of Bollywood's hottest stars, former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek, son of the Indian cinema legend.

Bollywood actress Jaya Bachchan arrives for the marriage ceremony of her son Abhishek Bachchan at the family's residence in Mumbai, India, Friday, April 20, 2007. Police stepped up security as fans danced in the streets to celebrate Friday's wedding of two of Bollywood's hottest stars, former Miss World Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, son of the Indian cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan.

Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan, center, leaves his father Amitabh Bachchan's residence 'Prateeksha' after a musical ceremony ahead of Abhishek's wedding to former Miss World Aishwarya Rai in Mumbai, India, early Thursday, April 19, 2007. Rai and Abhishek, both well-known Indian actors, will be married in a private ceremony Friday.

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, second left, his sister Shweta Nanda, right, and her daughter Navya, third left, arrive at 'Prateeksha, the residence of their father and Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan, before a musical ceremony ahead of Abhishek's wedding to former Miss World Aishwarya Rai in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, April 18, 2007. Rai and Abhishek, both well-known Indian actors, will be married in a private ceremony Friday.

Security personnel escort a bus carrying members of Abhishek Bachchan's family after they attended the 'Mehndi' ceremony at Bollywood star and former Miss World Aishwarya Rai's house in Mumbai, India, Thursday, April 19, 2007. Rai and Abhishek, both well-known Indian actors, will be married in a private ceremony Friday. The 'Mehndi' ceremony involves the application of Henna on the hands and feet of the bride a day before the marriage

Abhishek's Marriage

Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, second left, his sister Shweta Nanda, right, and her daughter Navya, third left, arrive at 'Prateeksha, the residence of their father and Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan, before a musical ceremony ahead of Abhishek's wedding to former Miss World Aishwarya Rai in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, April 18, 2007. Rai and Abhishek, both well-known Indian actors, will be married in a private ceremony Friday.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Richard Gere kissing Shilpa Shetty

The kissing of Hollywood actor Richard Gere and Bollywood actress
Shilpa Shetty at an event to promote safe sex and arise AIDS awareness among a
high-risk group raised controversy in India.

Gere had an impromptu hug and kiss on Sunday with Bollywood actress Shetty,
the winner of "Celebrity Big Brother" reality TV show in Britain
this year, in an anti-AIDS drive among truckers in India, the country with the
world's largest number of people living with HIV.

Monday, March 19, 2007

hindi film Guddu with Manisha and Shahrukh

This is a video song from 1995 released hindi film Guddu with Manisha and Shahrukh in their young times. In this hot song – Sardi Mein Pasina…,

Chori Pe Chori / Septembe

Chori Pe Chori / September Madham songs mixed for the Alaipayuthey Video. Starring Madhavan. Music by AR Rahman

Saturday, March 17, 2007

classic song from the movie Andaz,sung by kishore kumar

I See You Movie


Six different couples. Twelve different lives. One common problem. LOVE.

Salaam-e-Ishq is the story of 6 groups of people, from ... all different parts of the world, from different walks of life, ignorant about each other's existence, but who end up being brought together by destiny, fate and LOVE…


the movie is remake of don starring amitabh bachahan this don stars sharukh khan, priyanka chopra, arjun rampal and isha koopikar and there is special apperiance by kareena kapoor

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007